Book “Clarisses. De les arrels a l’horitzó”
Location: Arenys de Mar, CatalunyaYear: 2023
Client: Ajuntament d'Arenys de Mar
Status: Published
Més description, Team, and Advisors
“Clarisses. De les arrels a l’horitzó” is the publication of the research I develop about the Clarisses d’Arenys de Mar convent.
Title: Clarisses. De les arrels a l’horitzó
Author: Mireia Martín Salvanyà
Size: 16.2 x 23 cm
Pages: 160
Illustrations: blanc i negre i color
Cover: soft
Publication date: March 2023
Publishing house: Els llibres del Set-ciències
Language: Catalan
ISBN: 978-84-95526-26-7
This book is available at La Capell in Barcelona, and at El Setciències in Arenys de Mar.
- Team: Més Arquitectura
- Advisors: Laia Guarro (graphic designer), Els Llibres del Setciències (publishing house), Antònia Mostazo Garcia (copy-editor), Marta del Castillo i Rabascall (copy-editor), Yaisa Schneider (phototgrapher)

Photo by Yaisa Schneider

My Master Thesis in 2013 led me to thoroughly research on the Clarisses convent in Arenys de Mar. All the insights revealed by this work where exhibited in 2018 at the convent, under the title “Clarisses. Passat, present i futur”.
The work was finally released in the form of a book titled “Clarisses. De les arrels a l’horitzó”, published in 2023 by the publishing house Els Llibres del Set-ciències, with the support of the Arenys de Mar City Council.
Photo by Yaisa Schneider
How to get a copy
This book is available at the bookstore of the Col·legi Oficial d’Arquitectes de Catalunya (COAC) La Capell in Barcelona, and at El Setciències in Arenys de Mar.
It can be found as well at the Biblioteca P.Fidel Fita in Arenys de Mar.

Photo by Yaisa Schneider
Content of the book

This book presents the building from its origins to its future. The first part is about its history: its religious past between Catalonia and the South of France, its design and the relationship of its inhabitants with Arenys de Mar. The second part explains why it changed of use, how the town council made sure the architectural heritage was preserved and which were the architectural proposals to re-use it.
It is highly illustrated with photos, drawings, historical documents, maps and graphic timelines. The goal is to approach to a wide audience a detailed explanation of what the Clarisses convent has been, is and will be .
Photo by Yaisa Schneider
Book design
The design clearly differentiates these two parts by using black and white images to illustrate the origins and colour images to explain the future. The use of red throughout the pages aims to connect the book to the exhibition which used this colour to highlight the documents exhibited.
The design of this publication by Laia Guarro Studio aims to guide the reader through the history of the Clarisses convent in Arenys de Mar. The use of arrows indicates how the building has evolved through the years from its origins, and foresees its potential in the future.

Photos by Yaisa Schneider
On the 26th March I presented the book “Clarisses. De les arrels a l’horitzó” in Arenys de Mar together with the architect Jaume Prat and Annabel Moreno Nogué, the Mayor of Arenys de Mar. It was an amazing experience after a 10 years research that we shared with an enthousiastic audience. It was an amazing experience after a 10 years research that we shared with an enthusiat audience.
The book was a best-seller of the books by authors from Arenys de Mar on 2023 Sant Jordi. Ràdio Arenys published an article about it.

Photos by Yaisa Schneider
Participation in documentary series
This research was featured in the episode Misteris entre murs of the documentary series Perduts en el temps on RTVE. Watch from 01:51 to 05:32.
Book available at La Capell and at El Setciències in Arenys de Mar.
ISBN: 978-84-95526-26-7